Let's get this out of the way first and foremost. Darksiders won't be the most original game you play in 2010. Originality is overated anyways. Although we as gamers very much appreciate new ideas, the truth is they don't always sell very well and we end up sticking to things we love the most like Halo or COD. Don't believe me? Clover/Platinum games in the past few years delivered two awesome, fresh, yummy bits of gaming and nobody cared. Madworld tanked, and Okami never really found a truly wide audience. We are comfortable with things that are familiar, and it's sad but true. Over the years I have found that I will seek out the open world GTA experience or twitch action stylings of a Devil May Cry simply because I loved those games and want to replicate those moments of digital bliss. I'm only a couple of hours in, and Darksiders is taking me back to the place where I discovered why I fell in love with video games to begin with.
The main character is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse named War. Generic as can be, but awesome nonetheless. I'm hoping that developers take a cue from Vigil and start finding simpler names for video game characters like Military, Skilled Swordsman, or Plumber. (sorry I digress) War is having a bad day after starting the downfall of mankind only to discover that the 7th seal hasn't actually been broken......oops. He is condemned to demon evisceration, but talks the powers that be to letting him return to Earth and punish those responsible for bringing the end of days too early. It's a great set up and when the world finally opens up, the fun begins.
War has a massive sword bigger than a skyscraper that he thrusts and whirls about on anything or anyone that gets in his way. The combat starts simple with one button controlling it all, but playing more unlocks new moves and abilities. The deeper I get into it.....the more complex the control scheme becomes. You can get away with just mashing like crazy, but the more skilled gamer will find a treasure trove of strategies and movesets to inflict carnage with.
Most veterans will notice right away that only certain areas of the world are open to explore from the get go, but possibly getting that right gadget or power might let them go a little further next time around ala Zelda or Metroid. I love that formula so have no problems at all making that connection. So far Darksiders seems to take a lot of familiar things from other games and pay them homage. It's my understanding that there's even a "Portal" gun with blue and orange doorways later on that helps you through a level. As long as I'm still having a good time (which I am) they can still keep on cranking out the greatest hits moments!
Of particular note worth mentioning is the excellent pacing. In the short time I have played, the game has given me God of War style combat, Zelda-esque exploration, arena battles, platforming sections, and completely transformed into a shooter. You never seem to be doing the same thing for too long. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I think Vigil's Darksiders is a love letter to those legendary games that have come before it. I can't wait to get back into War's world. For a game about Hell on Earth, so far it's video game heaven.
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