I do not profess to be some some sort of expert gaming guru. My years of reading Gameinformer on the shitter or checking the latest 1UP post does not qualify me to tell you about about pop-in, grain, or anything else you techno-wannabe-whores out there may want to hear about. I'm just your average joe gamer, but I know video game bliss when I play it! In the couple of hours I have spent with it, KZ2 has smashed me in the balls with the fun hammer and all I can say is.......more please!
We all know the game looks fan-fuggin-tastic, but beauty alone does not make a game great. I'm also no FPS authority so I realize that some hardcore enthusiasts may have some trouble with the slightly slower control scheme. To this I must simply say "fuck off and return to the kid's table to play Ha-blow with all the other 12 year olds!" Fighting the Hellghast and using the cover system to set up your "killzone" is a blast! I also love the fact that you are basically only allowed one major weapon at a time. I tend to try to stick to guns that I love, but here comes KZ2 with a big F-U you're out of ammo! This forces you to experiment with different arms that are littered throughout the battlefield..........brilliant. The A.I. will also kick your ass by flanking you and making you leave your precious cover. Being chased out into the open where you'll surely be turned into man-mulch by the enemy is an adrenaline rush. (They are supposed to be even better at higher difficulty) I have yet to play any online modes, but I know I'll be ready to once the campaign is over. So far it's fun, fun, fun, till your daddy takes your six-axis away! An exclusive game like this is the reason I'm a PS3 owner. Nuff said.
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