Friday, January 9, 2009

Crystal Dynamics staff cut by 30 members; makes interesting companion piece... my previous post. If you were to look at these two posts, the stories wouldn't correlate. The Crystal Dynamics news is pretty much the exact opposite of everything I just said. I still hold fast to my opinion that the safer the product, the more sales you'll see, but this bit of news makes me wonder -- with a very sad panda face -- just what the hell is wrong with people?

I mean, seriously. What the fuck is wrong with people? Tomb Raider did exactly what conservative people would have you believe was the smart thing to do; they made the same game, with some added improvements. Now let me just say that I love the revamped Tomb Raider series, blemishes and all. It's some of the best platforming you could ask for, and a story you could definitely ask better of. Who really gives a shit what's going on in a Tomb Raider game? Surely, not I. I know she's usually looking for some artifact that has to do with her mum, daddy, Amanda or that crazy winged bitch. Yea, whatever. That next jump looks pretty tough, so I gotta go.

My main concern here, however, is that the game underperformed. Is it because the story is finally getting old with this franchise? Are they not innovating enough within the platforming genre? Is the world not believable enough in these scrutinizing modern times? Or are you bastards just looking a gift horse in the mouth? I think the answer is a little bit of everything.

Using Uncharted as a reference point, the story and characters of Tomb Raider are utter shit. I don't think anyone would argue that point, however heart breaking it might be. Nathan Drake is a much more believable character; he seems like an actual human being, not some super hero who can do back flips on motorcycles using nigh but their sexy yet well built calf muscles. At the same time, I don't mind the stupidity of Tomb Raider. Call me a hypocrite, an idiot, or a boob-starer if you must, but I can't help it. Yes, everything about Uncharted(except the platforming) is technically better than Tomb Raider, but I can't quit the old girl just yet. Now, you people need to get on board with me. Pretty please?

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